Of Road Trips & Human Needs

If you haven’t already been affiliated I would like to introduce you to a good friend’s blog, Things I Love by Joy Odera. Joy is a certified Life Coach and a published author of multiple books & articles.

‘Things I Love’ is a life coaching blog.

A recent highlight is a post called Of Road Trips and Human Needs. Who doesn’t love a good escape from their day-to-day life and what better way to experience that than to get into the car and take a road trip. Hopefully one with scenic views and open roads, but that isn’t always the case. We all know that when you find yourself on a 7 hour long drive, alongside the enjoyable scenic views many unexpected hurdles can be encountered along the journey too. Having to travel from Nairobi to Kitale, Joy and her husband were definitely met with some challenges.

In Kenya, youth unemployment, underpayment of police officers, and the economic inflation has created uncertainty, resulting in an exponential increase in the need for financial security which is why encountering corruption is not uncommon. In this article the Life Coach in Joy surfaced as she dissects human behaviour, our physical, economic, political, cultural, and social environments that influence our needs which all led to the actions she saw being displayed on her trip.

See full article here to read more.


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