Societal Transformation for a Better Future

Strategic visioning and scenario planning is one of the public policy advisory services that we provide. This is done in partnership with a Cabo Verde based firm — BONAKO–

This work focuses on enabling countries to design and implement participatory strategic planning exercises over the long term for societal transformation. Countries like Cabo Verde, Kenya , South Korea provide good lessons for setting future visionary and strategic agendas.

Bonako builds customised apps for monitoring and evaluation of the country specific programs while Imara Africa consulting works with clients to set up performance delivery units . Together they forge a formidable partnership of solid technical expertise in the design and facilitation of visioning/scenario planning exercises.

Through this strategic foresight for transformation exercise, home-grown development programs are nurtured.

Bonako and Imara Africa consulting have developed a ready to use template that is available on the resources page of our website:

How do you think that your country can accelerate societal transformation? Are the current economic policies making a difference by ensuring inclusive growth? Does your country have efficient  delivery of basic social services in health education and water &sanitation? Do the citizens effectively engage government by keeping a scorecard on its performance?

Share your ideas with us on our Facebook page.


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